I am so VERY excited, because this morning I hired a website designer to redesign my website, http://www.bethjones.net/cms. God has provided as He always does - He is so GOOD! Praise You, Lord Jesus!
My site will have a fresh, new look with a Wordpress design, using my Tablet Of My Heart blog's header/graphic! All of my blog's content will be imported into the new site. This way, both my website and my blog will be at ONE convenient site for my readers! I also am going to new website hosting, and am excited about that change.
I will keep you updated as much as possible, giving you the new address for the website. The transition should take about a week, but I wanted to let readers know ahead of time. Lately, I've been really busy with different projects and holding off on adding new content to my current website, knowing that soon I'd be moving to a new place. :)
Once everything is complete, I have plans to record more podcasts and Blog Talk Radio shows, and write blogs and lots of articles to offer you for your enjoyment. This week I also am editing a book I wrote on prayer, that will be available soon as an ebook for sale on the new site. Stay tuned!
"Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands (wilderness)." ~ Isaiah 43: 19, The Message Bible
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