I thought the above blogging demotivator poster was hilarious, even though I don't personally subscribe to its philosophy. Blogging is a great outlet for writing, and I am lovin' it. And I am learning so much from other bloggers!
If you are new to blogging, you can take away encouragement about blogging from Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson, Inc., in his video presentation, 12 Reasons Why Every Traditional Publisher Should Blog.http://michaelhyatt.com/2009/04/12-reasons-why-every-traditional-publisher-should-be-blogging.html.
Even though Michael is addressing publishers, he offers everyday bloggers incentives about why they should blog. The primary one is that you have something valuable to say, something that you can uniquely offer others. There is no other person on the planet with your background, your personality, your experiences, your insights, your gifts, talents, and skills. You are the expert on you.
What is it that you really want to tell others? What is burning in your heart to share?
Let people get to know you, the real you. Be transparent as glass, be authentic, be yourself. Tell people about the way you've messed up - and learned from it (you do need a point - you don't want to just throw up your past on people!). Don't try to copy someone else. People will tell if you're faking it! God wants to use you, just the way you are! He specializes in using our weaknesses for his glory.
Don't worry about the numbers at first (how many subscribed readers or subscriptions by email.) That will come in time. It's not about numbers, it's about giving of yourself, pouring out to others. Numbers can be misleading and will trip you up fast. Just share your heart. Get real, and be willing to be vulnerable. Tell others your pain, and your victory through it, because human pain and suffering is always relevant.
Let others get to know and to love you. You have so much to give others! Share the solution to that problem! Your perspective may be the one thing to help someone else today.
Your blog will have its own flavor, theme, brand. Blogs vary. Some are serious, some are fun, some are packed with information and resources, some are inspirational. Here are a few of my favorites that you can check out for ideas, and to help you get started:
Problogger offers practical, very helpful tips for blog beginners here. http://www.problogger.net/archives/2006/02/14/is-a-blog-right-for-you/. Problogger's blog is a wealth of information on blogging, and one of my favorite sites. You will enjoy his laid-back, uncluttered, clean style, and walk away with valuable resources. Watch his vlogs, too. I wonder, is he always so calm? Does anything ever upset him? He has such a soothing, peaceful effect on you, and he makes you really want to blog more!
Anne Jackson has traveled all over the world using online media to tell stories about poverty. Her blog on Uganda is powerful and heart-breaking. http://www.flowerdust.net/category/my-blog/compassion-uganda-blogging-trip/. I really want to go to Africa, and love reading posts about that fascinating land.
Mrs. Fussy Pants (Allison Worthington, or Alli) is one of the most recognized names in online media. I love Alli! She's smart, she's pretty, she's sweet, and she's charming. She was voted #17 of the top 50 most influential women in social media and #38 among top women bloggers. Her site has great articles, news, and blogs from all over the nation. One of her more fun vlogs(video + blog = vlogging) is Fight The Frump - My Favorite Lipstick (Vlogging Style). You can view it here. http://www.mrsfussypants.com/whatsmartmommiesknow/2009/05/fight-the-frump-my-favorite-lipstick-vlogginstyle.html.
For hilarious reviews on the tv series Lost and her children's antics, as well as blogs that will deeply touch your heart and uplift you in faith, visit Shannon from Rocks In My Dryer.
Writer/speaker/homeschooling mom Cindy Rushton is my role model in all 3 areas, and you will just love her website and blog at http://cindyrushton.com/. Cindy has great resources for you; she is a fountain of encouragement and fresh, creative ideas that can help you in building a godly home.
A beautiful, unique, inspirational blog about marriage, speaking and writing is Sheila Wray Gregoire's To Love, Honor, and Vacuum. http://tolovehonorandvacuum.blogspot.com/. You won't want to miss Cindy Rushton's or Sheila's podcasts! I could listen to them all day! They are both so fun, and you learn so much from them!
Devotional Diva Renee Johnson, speaker and writer to the 20-somethings, has free Bible devotionals, thought-provoking blogs, and short, powerful podcasts on a variety of topics. http://www.devotionaldiva.com/devotionals.html. Renee's passion for Christ shines through in all she does.
You might also check out my other favorites to get you started blogging. I love The Glamourous Life, Musings Of a Housewife (my blog designer Jo-Lynne), Catholic Teacher Musings, T. Suzanne Scheppmann, Organizing Queen, The Inspired Room, Marnie's Blog, Trish Berg Blog, The Writing Life (Terry Whalin), Lysa Terkeurst (Proverbs 31 Ministries), and so many more that are not named here, but are equally fabulous.
All these people, who I've never met in real life, have penetrated my heart with their blogs - my life has been deeply enriched by this online adventure of blogging.
There just isn't enough time each day to read them all, but they have really blessed my life and given me such encouragement and valuable information on blogging, writing, speaking, business success, being a wife and mother, etc. - and I believe they can help you, too. You can subscribe to my blog and theirs, by clicking on the rss feed icon on the blogs (using your favorite feed reader like Google or Yahoo), or by email subscription.
Find your niche. Find your voice. Start blogging today. Be a part of this delightful, new place.
"It is not down in any map; true places never are." ~Herman Melville
Here are their links below: